Resources for Trustees
Understand climate-related risks and opportunities and build climate competence to improve effective fund management.
Disclosure of Information Concerning Climate Change: Liability Risks and Opportunities
Climate change presents material – if not unparalleled – economic risks and opportunities to companies and investors, given changes in the physical environment brought about by climate change, and given regulatory efforts to limit those changes and adapt to the environment as it changes. As a result of the increasing awareness of climate-related financial risks, […]
Sustainable Finance and Investing in a Responsible Future
The following memorandum provides an overview of how universities are addressing climate change through their endowment assets. In the introduction, a brief taxonomy of sustainable investing is provided – spectrum of capital that looks at traditional investing, responsible investing, sustainable investing, impact investing and philanthropy. We also review some recent examples and trends of sustainable […]
Stewardship Investing Report – 2020
At CDPQ, we invest constructive capital knowing that performance and progress go hand in hand. By directing capital toward a greener and more equitable transition, we can generate growth while contributing to a more sustainable world.
FAQs – Statement of Investment Policies and Procedures (SIPP)
Under section 78(1) of Regulation 909 under the Pension Benefits Act (PBA), the administrator of a pension plan is required to establish a statement of investment policies and procedures (SIPP) for the plan that meets the requirements of the federal investment regulations (FIR), as modified in sections 47.8 and 79 of the Regulation. Effective January 1, […]
Calculator for Greenhouse Gases and Common Air Contaminants
Environment Canada (EC) created the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions and Criteria Air Contaminants (CAC) Calculator to help environmental groups and other users estimate GHG and CAC emission reductions from different environmentally sound actions undertaken during the lifespan of their projects. The tool is targeting recipients of EC funding programs to help them report on their […]