Julie Biron
Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Université de Montréal
After earning a bachelor’s degree in law from the University of Sherbrooke, Julie Biron pursued graduate studies at the University of Montréal, obtaining both her Master’s and her Doctorate in Business Law there. She is an associate professor of Corporate Law at the Faculty of Law of the Univeristé de Montréal and is a member of the CDACI (Centre for Business Law and International Commerce). Since 2006, she is Executive Director of the Observatoire du droit québécois des valeurs mobilières.
In recent years, she has taken part in the drafting and the management of broad study projects dealing with investors’ rights, the liability of market intermediaries, business law generally and the regulatory framework applicable to financial products and services. Julie has published various texts dealing with shareholding, governance of joint stock companies and investment through financial markets. Her work has earned her numerous prizes for academic excellence in civil and commercial law. As a member of Québec Bar, Julie also practiced as a corporate lawyer at a Canadian law firm.