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Dec 1st, 2016

Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change

As Canada transitions to a low-carbon future, energy will play an integral role in meeting our collective commitment, given that energy production and use account for over 80 percent of Canada’s GHG emissions. This means using clean energy to power our homes, workplaces, vehicles, and industries, and using energy more efficiently. It means convenient transportation […]

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Sep 1st, 2016

The Future of Canda’s Oil and Gas Sector: Innovation, Sustainable Solutions and Economic Opportunities

On 24 February 2016, the Committee unanimously passed a motion to explore the future of Canada’s oil and gas sector, with a focus on innovation, sustainable solutions and economic opportunities. Over the course of seven meetings, the Committee heard from 33 witnesses who highlighted a number of existing and emerging trends that are driving change […]

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Jul 7th, 2016

Northern Alberta Wildfire Costliest Insured Natural Disaster in Canadian History – Estimate of insured losses: $3.58 billion

Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) reports that the May 2016 northern Alberta wildfire is by far the costliest insured natural disaster in Canadian history. Catastrophe Indices and Quantification Inc. (CatIQ) estimates the insured property damage at $3.58 billion.

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Jun 23rd, 2016

Investigation of the 2013 Alberta food from weather and climate perspectives

During 19–21 June 2013 a heavy precipitation event affected southern Alberta and adjoining regions, leading to severe food damage in numerous communities and resulting in the costliest natural disaster in Canadian history. This food was caused by a combination of meteorological and hydrological factors, which are investigated from weather and climate perspectives with the fifth-generation […]

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Apr 7th, 2016

Managing Climate Risks: Highlight for business leaders

This report is for business leaders looking ahead. It explains why acting now to prepare for future climate realities makes good business sense. The report draws from the most up-to-date analysis of climate change impacts, risks and responses across Canadian sectors and highlights approaches and resources to enhance climate resilience.

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Jan 1st, 2016

Canada’s Marine Coasts in a Changing Climate

Canada’s Marine Coasts in a Changing Climate assesses climate change sensitivity, risks and adaptation along Canada’s marine coasts. The report includes overviews of regional climate change impacts, risks and opportunities along Canada’s three marine coasts, case studies demonstrating action, and discussion of adaptation approaches. Led by Natural Resources Canada, the development of this report involved over […]

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