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Jan 19th, 2017

Federal Actions for a Clean Growth Economy: Delivering on the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change

For the first time, provinces, territories and the federal government have agreed to take collective action to address climate change. Together, we have developed the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change. It has four pillars: pricing carbon pollution, taking action in each sector of the economy, adapting to climate change, and supporting clean […]

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Jan 1st, 2017

Canada’s 7th National Communication and 3rd Biennial Report

Canada is pleased to present its 7th National Communication and 3rd Biennial Report on Climate Change to meet its reporting requirements under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Canada has prepared these reports in accordance with adopted guidelines and other guidance for National Communications and Biennial Reports.

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Jan 1st, 2017

CPA Canada Study of Climate-Related Disclosures by Canadian Public Companies

This report outlines key findings from a Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada) study of climate-related disclosures provided by TSX-listed companies in their securities filings. Climate change is a key business issue. With the ratification of the global Paris agreement and the Canadian federal government’s recent announcement of a national carbon price, it is […]

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Dec 1st, 2016

Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change

As Canada transitions to a low-carbon future, energy will play an integral role in meeting our collective commitment, given that energy production and use account for over 80 percent of Canada’s GHG emissions. This means using clean energy to power our homes, workplaces, vehicles, and industries, and using energy more efficiently. It means convenient transportation […]

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Sep 1st, 2016

The Future of Canda’s Oil and Gas Sector: Innovation, Sustainable Solutions and Economic Opportunities

On 24 February 2016, the Committee unanimously passed a motion to explore the future of Canada’s oil and gas sector, with a focus on innovation, sustainable solutions and economic opportunities. Over the course of seven meetings, the Committee heard from 33 witnesses who highlighted a number of existing and emerging trends that are driving change […]

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Jul 7th, 2016

Northern Alberta Wildfire Costliest Insured Natural Disaster in Canadian History – Estimate of insured losses: $3.58 billion

Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) reports that the May 2016 northern Alberta wildfire is by far the costliest insured natural disaster in Canadian history. Catastrophe Indices and Quantification Inc. (CatIQ) estimates the insured property damage at $3.58 billion.

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