Resources for Directors

Understand climate-related risks and opportunities and build climate competence to remain competitive

Sep 25th, 2018

Report from Canada’s Economic Strategy Tables: Seizing opportunities for growth

The Economic Strategy Tables—a new model for industry-government collaboration—were announced as part of the Government of Canada’s Innovation and Skills Plan to support economic growth in six key sectors: advanced manufacturing, agri-food, clean technology, digital industries, health/bio-sciences and resources of the future. The industry-led work of these Tables has resulted in sector-specific plans for economic […]

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Aug 27th, 2018

Canadian perspectives on recommendations from the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure

Canadian perspectives on recommendations from the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure. What do Canadian organizations think about the TCFD recommendations? Watch this series of video interviews to understand how Canadian investors and companies are embracing enhanced climate change disclosure.

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Apr 5th, 2018

Staff Notice 51-354: Report on Climate-Related Disclosure

Staff of the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) are publishing this notice to report on the findings of our project to review the disclosure by reporting issuers (issuers) of risks and financial impacts associated with climate change. The project included research, consultations and review of mandatory continuous disclosure (CD) documents, sustainability reports and other voluntary disclosures […]

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Apr 1st, 2018

Directors’ Liability and Climate Risk: Canada – Country Paper

The paper is a more accessible form of reporting the research in the first two papers. It is one of country studies from four jurisdictions, complemented by conferences in Australia (August 2016), Canada (October 2017), South Africa (January 2018) and the UK (June 2016). The national legal papers follow a uniform structure to facilitate comparison […]

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Apr 1st, 2018

Fiduciary Obligations in Business and Investment: Implications of Climate Change

In Obligations in Business and Investment: Implications of Climate Change, legal analysis by Dr Janis Sarra, Presidential Distinguished Professor and Professor of Law University of British Columbia, shows that directors, officers and pension fund trustees must identify and address climate-related financial risk or they may be personally liable for breach of their fiduciary obligation or duty of […]

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Apr 1st, 2018

Disclosure of Information Concerning Climate Change: Liability Risks and Opportunities

Climate change presents material – if not unparalleled – economic risks and opportunities to companies and investors, given changes in the physical environment brought about by climate change, and given regulatory efforts to limit those changes and adapt to the environment as it changes. As a result of the increasing awareness of climate-related financial risks, […]

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