Resources for Trustees

Understand climate-related risks and opportunities and build climate competence to improve effective fund management.

Mar 3rd, 2022

Greening Sovereign Debt Performance

This report sets out the case for moving sovereign debt markets towards the explicit valuation of natural capital, and for greater use of performance-linked instruments to deepen creditor and debtor sharing of associated risks and opportunities. Advancing these two developments would be a much needed and timely development in addressing the short-term debt crisis and […]

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Feb 28th, 2022

Fossil Fuel Subsidies in Canada: Governance Implications in the Net-Zero Transition

Canada ranks highly among the developed countries that have provided government support to the fossil fuel sector, but this situation is changing. To address the climate emergency, Canada has legally committed to achieving net-zero carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050. How our federal, provincial, and territorial governments spend public dollars […]

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Jan 14th, 2022

Using scenario analysis to assess climate transition risk

Together with six Canadian financial institutions, the Bank of Canada and the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) developed scenarios that will help the financial sector identify, measure and disclose climate-related risks. These scenarios were not intended to be forecasts or predictions. Rather, they were specifically designed to capture a range of potential outcomes and […]

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Jan 11th, 2022

The Global Risks Report 2022

The Global Risks Report series tracks global risks perceptions among risk experts and world leaders in business, government, and civil society. It examines risks across five categories: economic, environmental, geopolitical, societal, and technological. Every year the report also analyses key risks to explore further in deep-dive chapters—these could be risks that feature prominently on our survey, those […]

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Nov 23rd, 2021

The Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero: Our progress and plan towards a net-zero global economy

In this report, we detail the progress GFANZ has made in the six months since launching in April 2021 and share GFANZ’s near-term work plan and ambitions. In short, GFANZ has launched a programme of work to transform the financial system, drawing on the enormously valuable work of the many organisations that have driven climate […]

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Nov 22nd, 2021

Future Urban Risk Landscapes: An insurance perspective

By 2050, more than two thirds of the world’s population is projected to live in cities. Urbanisation is associated with fundamental socio-economic changes that present formidable challenges to socio-economic resilience and have significant risk management and insurance implications. This report explores the link between urbanisation and the dynamics of risk landscapes and examines insurers’ potential […]

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