
Candice Davis

Board Engagement Liaison - Alberta, Canada Climate Law Initiative

Candice Davis is described as high-energy, entrepreneurial spirited and passionate about creating awareness, engagement, and strong stakeholder relationships. She is an experienced Management Consultant with over 25 years specializing in strategy development, mergers and acquisitions and program and project management. Candice has held various leadership roles in the legal, construction and oil and gas industries. 

Over the last 15 years, Candice has been a business, change management and project management educator, curriculum developer at many Alberta academic institutions and sat on several industry advisory boards.

Candice completed her Bachelor of Management degree at the University of Lethbridge and University of Schmalkalden University (Germany) and is a graduate from Stanford University in Strategic Decision Analysis and Risk Management. She has a Project Management Professional designation, Change Management certification as well as a PowerMBA. She is a Project Management Institute Fellow. She is a graduate from the Canadian Board Diversity “Get on Board’ Program. Candice has received a Distinguished Teaching Award from Mount Royal University and was an Award Finalist, Distinguished Individual Excellence in Project Management with the Project Management Institute Southern Alberta Chapter. She was named a Top 100 Protégée in the Women’s Top 100 Most Powerful Mentoring Program by the Women’s Executive Network. Candice is excited about advancing the climate conversation with corporate directors and leadership in Canada.