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Nick Daube

Counsel, Resilient LLP

Nicholas (Nick) Daube is Counsel at Resilient LLP. He maintains a broad practice in all aspects of climate change, energy, administrative, and indigenous law and public policy. He offers clients a deep background in both the public and private sectors, including extensive experience in public and private law, financial sector regulation and climate change policy. […]


Nicolina Farella

Program Director, The McConnell Foundation

Nicolina is Program Director at the McConnell Foundation, responsible for climate change work and social innovation initiatives. She sits on the board of Environment Funders Canada and Imagine Canada. Prior to working at the Foundation, she was Science and Innovation Officer with the British Consulate-General in Montréal. She also coordinated Ashoka Canada’s fellow selection process […]

Toronto, Ontario

Oujala Motala

Principal, External Reporting, Research, Guidance and Support, CPA Canada

Oujala Motala is a Principal in the External Reporting, Research, Guidance and Support department at Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada). Prior to joining CPA Canada, Oujala was a Senior Accountant in the Corporate Finance branch of the Ontario Securities Commission where she was responsible for oversight of public companies’ compliance with Canadian securities […]


Pascale Cornut St-Pierre

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa

Pascale Cornut St-Pierre is an Assistant Professor at the Civil Law Section of the Faculty of Law of University of Ottawa. Her research focuses on the ways in which business communities perceive, mobilize and develop the law in the course of their activities. Her works deal mainly with corporate and financial law, but draw heavily […]


Patrick Mignault

Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Université de Sherbrooke

Patrick Mignault is a member of the Quebec bar since 2002 and has been a Professor at the Faculty of Law at the Université de Sherbrooke since 2012. He’s a research scholar at the Groupe pour la Prévention et le Règlement des Différends and researcher member at the Chaire en gouvernance et droit des affaires […]

British Columbia

Peter Arcese

Professor, Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences, University of British Columbia

Peter Arcese is FRBC Chair of Applied Conservation Biology in the Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences and Faculty of Forestry, University of British Columbia. Peter works on the ecology and genetics of animals and plants, the persistence of small populations, and the design and management of nature reserves. Peter graduated in Zoology from the […]