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Apr 1st, 2018

Directors’ Liability and Climate Risk: Canada – Country Paper

The paper is a more accessible form of reporting the research in the first two papers. It is one of country studies from four jurisdictions, complemented by conferences in Australia (August 2016), Canada (October 2017), South Africa (January 2018) and the UK (June 2016). The national legal papers follow a uniform structure to facilitate comparison […]

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Apr 1st, 2018

Fiduciary Obligations in Business and Investment: Implications of Climate Change

In Obligations in Business and Investment: Implications of Climate Change, legal analysis by Dr Janis Sarra, Presidential Distinguished Professor and Professor of Law University of British Columbia, shows that directors, officers and pension fund trustees must identify and address climate-related financial risk or they may be personally liable for breach of their fiduciary obligation or duty of […]

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Apr 1st, 2018

Disclosure of Information Concerning Climate Change: Liability Risks and Opportunities

Climate change presents material – if not unparalleled – economic risks and opportunities to companies and investors, given changes in the physical environment brought about by climate change, and given regulatory efforts to limit those changes and adapt to the environment as it changes. As a result of the increasing awareness of climate-related financial risks, […]

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Jan 1st, 2018

National Inventory Report, 1990– 2016: Greenhouse Gas Sources and Sinks In Canada—Canada’s Submission To The United Nations Framework Convention On Climate Change

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is an international treaty established in 1992 to cooperatively address climate change issues. The ultimate objective of the UNFCCC is to stabilize atmospheric greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations at a level that would prevent dangerous interference with the climate system. Canada ratified the UNFCCC in December 1992, […]

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Jan 1st, 2018

Canada’s Top Weather Stories of 2018

Canada is not as cold as it once was, with every region and all seasons warmer than ever before. While Canada is still the snowiest country, less snow is falling in our southern regions. Our mountain snowpack and glaciers are disappearing rapidly, and frost-free days are increasing. Our growing seasons are longer, but so are […]

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Jan 1st, 2018

Sustainable Finance and Investing in a Responsible Future

The following memorandum provides an overview of how universities are addressing climate change through their endowment assets. In the introduction, a brief taxonomy of sustainable investing is provided – spectrum of capital that looks at traditional investing, responsible investing, sustainable investing, impact investing and philanthropy. We also review some recent examples and trends of sustainable […]

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