Resources for Directors

Understand climate-related risks and opportunities and build climate competence to remain competitive

May 6th, 2021

Driving Board Value in Changing Times

The stakes for board directors have never been higher. Organizations are facing an onslaught of new pressures driven by powerful stakeholders, changing social and environmental expectations, and the risks associated with unprecedented levels of transparency. At the same time, boards are increasingly expected to provide effective oversight while delivering tangible value. This program focuses on […]

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Apr 13th, 2021

Legal Opinion on Directors’ Responsibilities and Climate Change under Singapore Law

Company directors in Singapore could face personal liability if they fail to take action to address climate change risks, according to a new legal opinion by a team of independent legal counsel. The legal analysis finds that Singaporean directors are obliged to consider climate change impacts as part of their duties to act in the […]

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Apr 13th, 2021

Directors’ Liability and Climate Risk: White Paper on Singapore

Alongside the new Chan legal opinion on directors’ responsibilities and climate change under Singapore law, the CCLI are pleased to publish a new white paper: Directors’ Liability and Climate Risk: White Paper on Singapore. Authored by Dr. Ernest Lim, Associate Professor, NUS Law who is also co-author of the Chan legal opinion, the white paper […]

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Apr 12th, 2021

Climate Risk – Technical Bulletin

Climate change is a sustainability issue that is both ubiquitous and differentiated—and thus presents unique risks and opportunities for companies and investors. The 2021 edition of this bulletin provides an overview of SASB’s approach to climate-related financial disclosure. SASB’s Climate Risk Technical Bulletin is designed to help investors better understand, measure, and manage their exposure […]

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Mar 31st, 2021

Haida law of gina ‘waadluxan gud ad kwaagiida and Indigenous rights in conservation finance

Globally, we are facing an existential threat to biodiversity from human activities that have intruded into terrestrial, aquatic, and aerial ecosystems, exacerbating global warming. The Supreme Court of Canada has held that climate change “is a threat of the highest order to the country, and indeed the world.” Corporations and financial institutions increasingly recognize the […]

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Mar 8th, 2021

Life, Health, Property, Casualty: Canadian Insurance Company Directors and Effective Climate Governance

The insurance sector is important because it provides the financial safety net for many Canadians suffering losses associated with climate impacts. Insurance coverage is the guarantee that policyholder losses will be indemnified; yet climate-related weather events are growing in severity and frequency. Severe weather damage in Canada caused $2.4 billion in insured losses in 2020, […]

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