Knowledge Hub
Canada’s one-stop-shop for everything related to climate governance
Biodiversity Risk: Legal Implications for Companies and their Directors
This paper by the Commonwealth Climate and Law Initiative analyses the relevance of biodiversity risks to companies and economies in the discharge of directors’ legal duties globally.
The Transition Plan Taskforce Disclosure Framework
This sector-neutral framework provides recommendations for companies and financial institutions to develop gold-standard transition plans. The Framework was open for consultation until 28 February 2023 with feedback received informing the final Framework to be published in Q4 2023.
Integrity matters: Net zero commitments by businesses, financial institutions, cities and regions
Report from the United Nations’ High-Level Expert Group on the Net Zero Emissions Commitments of Non-State Entities
A guide to effective climate governance in the Canadian real estate sector: Building for the net-zero future
This guide provides information to help boards, management, and professionals in the Canadian commercial real estate sector understand and deal with the increasing implications of climate change and the net-zero transition, including the risks, legal duties of those that should manage them, effective governance practices they should embrace, and where and how to leverage the […]
Roadmap to a Sustainable Financial System in Canada
When it comes to Canada’s climate policies, there is a widely overlooked frontier: finance. In this policy briefing, Ecojustice, Shift: Action and Environmental Defence lay out an actionable pathway to address how Canada should regulate climate-alignment within our financial system. The brief shows how financial alignment is a critical piece of the broader climate package […]
The role of fossil fuels in taxonomies: Canada case study
While the debate over the future content of the Canadian Taxonomy continues in the press, the main stumbling block remains the inclusion of fossil fuels, particularly fossil gas where Canada is the world’s fifth-largest producer. The controversy centers on whether fossil gas should contribute to a decarbonization pathway as an interim or a transitional fuel, […]