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Jul 9th, 2020

A4S Essential Guide to Management Information

The guide has been created to support finance professionals to develop and integrate the information needed to respond to social and environmental risk and opportunity into core management information processes.Business performance is no longer solely judged in terms of financials. So, the way decisions are made, and the information upon which they are made, needs […]

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Jul 6th, 2020

Questions to Assist Non-Executive Director Oversight of Physical Climate Risk Management

The climate is changing. For corporates, this means building resilience to the risks associated with a changing climate and adjusting to new stakeholder expectations and also meeting the changing needs and demands of customers and clients as they respond to the impacts of climate change. Ensuring that companies are braced for these changes requires clear […]

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Jul 1st, 2020

Application Guidance for Climate-Related Disclosures

Despite much progress in climate-related disclosure, many contend that more work is needed to ensure that reporting on material climate-related issues is of sufficient quality and detail to support decision-making by investors and others. The current standard of mainstream reporting on climate risks and opportunities means that there is an information deficit for investors and […]

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Jul 1st, 2020

Preliminary Report

The COVID-19 pandemic is a global health and economic crisis. Governments have already spent billions in the immediate response, including in Canada where a deficit of over $300B is forecast for this year. Billions more will be invested before this crisis is over, including in restarting economies. Just how much investment will be needed is […]

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Jun 25th, 2020

Putting Climate Change Risk on the Board Room Table

In her opinion, titled “Putting Climate Change Risk on the Boardroom Table,” Ms. Hansell clarifies the role of the corporate board with respect to climate change and how it is unequivocal about the responsibility of corporate directors to include climate change risks and opportunities in their oversight and strategic direction of the companies they serve. […]

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Jun 1st, 2020

The Role of Auditors in Company-Prepared ESG Information: Present and Future

This publication builds on the concepts outlined in The Role of Auditors in Company-Prepared Information: Present and Future. We will provide an overview of what ESG reporting is, how investors are using the information, and how public company auditors are well positioned to enhance the reliability of ESG information given their public interest role. We […]

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