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Sep 25th, 2023

Taking a Credible Position on Nature

Human activities are driving an unprecedented loss in nature that has rapidly grown into a crisis. There is growing pressure on companies to publicly acknowledge this crisis, and articulate a credible position on protecting and restoring nature. The Embedding Project’s guide shows you how, including examples from companies that are leading in this space.

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Sep 25th, 2023

Comparison: IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures with the TCFD recommendations

Following the Financial Stability Board’s announcement that the work of the Task force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) has been completed—with the ISSB Standards marking the ‘culmination of the work of the TCFD’—the IFRS Foundation published a comparison of the requirements in IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures and the TCFD recommendations.

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Sep 19th, 2023

Recommendations of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures

The recommendations of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) have been designed to meet the corporate reporting requirements of organisations across jurisdictions, to be consistent with the global baseline for corporate sustainability reporting and to be aligned with the global policy goals in the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. The TNFD disclosure framework consists of […]

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Sep 5th, 2023

Banks and the net zero transition: Tracking progress with the TPI Net Zero Banking Assessment Framework

Investors, governments and wider society are increasingly considering the role of the financial sector in the transition to net zero. In this context, in June 2023 the Transition Pathway Initiative Global Climate Transition Centre published an investor-led ‘Net Zero Banking Assessment Framework’ to assess banks’ climate progress across 10 key areas. This report presents the […]

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Aug 23rd, 2023

Semi-Annual ESG Sentiment Study of Canadian Institutional Investors

Millani’s seventh Semi-Annual ESG Sentiment Study of Canadian Institutional Investors highlights that the ESG pushback in the U.S., along with regulatory pressures, have increased the rigor of ESG integration within investment processes of many institutional investors. It is now more mainstream within their firms, rather than being a sidelined approach. Of the investors who commented […]

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Aug 3rd, 2023

Primer on Climate Change: Directors’ Duties and Disclosure Obligations – 3rd edition

The third edition of the Primer on Climate Change: Directors’ Duties and Disclosure Obligations provides an overview of the foreseeable financial and systemic risks (and opportunities) over short, medium and long-term investment horizons. Covering 31 countries and the EU, it outlines the general climate obligations for board directors, and how company law and directors’ duties require directors to […]

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