Resources for Policy Makers

Our robust legal research allows the team to provide specific policy recommendations that can help policy makers in developing policies related to directors’ duties and climate change, including climate-related disclosures.

Jun 29th, 2023

Reflections on Connecting Canada’s Climate Policy Network

This book represents an initial step to mapping the layers of Canadian climate policy activities across government, industry, and civil society. Its guiding presumption is that such mapping will help align efforts to decarbonize. A consensus point among all authors is that new alliances need to be forged, and old ones need to be refreshed, […]

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Feb 21st, 2023

Submission to federal Ministers Champagne and Guilbeault on Amendments to CBCA Regulation

The Canada Climate Law Initiative (CCLI) proposes amending the regulations pursuant to the Canada Business Corporations Act Regulations to promote the management of climate-related financial risk and opportunities in a vital portion of the economy and lead to a more resilient economy. The CCLI proposes a new subsection under s. 72 of the Canada Business […]

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Nov 8th, 2022

Integrity matters: Net zero commitments by businesses, financial institutions, cities and regions

Report from the United Nations’ High-Level Expert Group on the Net Zero Emissions Commitments of Non-State Entities

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Nov 2nd, 2022

Roadmap to a Sustainable Financial System in Canada

When it comes to Canada’s climate policies, there is a widely overlooked frontier: finance. In this policy briefing, Ecojustice, Shift: Action and Environmental Defence lay out an actionable pathway to address how Canada should regulate climate-alignment within our financial system. The brief shows how financial alignment is a critical piece of the broader climate package […]

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Oct 27th, 2022

Partial Disclosure: Assessing the state of physical and transition climate risk disclosure in Canada

The latest Institute for Sustainable Finance (ISF) study demonstrates that in aggregate, climate-related disclosures by Canadian companies are inadequate, both in terms of quantity and quality. This impedes the ability of financial institutions to properly price the opportunities and risks associated with climate change, which has significant consequences for Canadian competitiveness and the functioning of […]

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Oct 11th, 2022

Climate-washing in Québec and Canada: How to turn the tide

This report by the Centre québécois du droit de l’environnement (CQDE) outlines which rules and standards exist now to address climate-washing, and the CQDE’s policy recommendations to improve how climate-washing is addressed.

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